Graduate School Projects
Utilizing Python for Programming and Automation of Raster Imagery Analysis of Percent Area Cover for Stony Corals in Bonaire, Netherland Antilles
Through my first semester in graduate school at CU Denver I learned python in collaboration with ArcGIS Desktop (Arcpy) and GDAL. My final project involved creating my own script that would geo reference raster images of coral reef benthos to GPS located pins. These raster images were edited in Photoshop to trace the area of varying stony corals by species. Creating a code that would geo reference was the trickiest portion of the process, where I had to determine how to get the cell size extent of the image to attached the corners to each pin of the images. The script then runs through the traced images and converts the raster values to vector and conducts an area analysis in square meters. Then this value is divided by the area of the entire plot to then compare different areas of coral species to one another. Upon request is the scientific poster created that shows the entire process and the developed script.

Modeling Glacier National Park Habitat Suitability for Bighorn Sheep utilizing Model Builder
Through my first semester in graduate school at CU Denver I learned python in collaboration with ArcGIS Desktop (Arcpy) and GDAL. My final project involved creating my own script that would geo reference raster images of coral reef benthos to GPS located pins. These raster images were edited in Photoshop to trace the area of varying stony corals by species. Creating a code that would geo reference was the trickiest portion of the process, where I had to determine how to get the cell size extent of the image to attached the corners to each pin of the images. The script then runs through the traced images and converts the raster values to vector and conducts an area analysis in square meters. Then this value is divided by the area of the entire plot to then compare different areas of coral species to one another. Upon request is the scientific poster created that shows the entire process and the developed script.

Independent Study: Web Cartography and 3D Animation
Through my independent study under Dr. Anthamatten at the University of Colorado Denver, I worked towads understanding new knowledge of the cartographic field. First was to understand how maps on the web need to be considered from a cartographic lens differently than a printed map. Reading the book "Web Cartography" by Ian Muehlenhaus showed the development and historical trend of cartography. He touched on how interactivity of web mapping needs to consider resolution, scales, platforms, devices used, and more. Additionally through the study I developed advanced cartographic skills by applying the basic principles of cartography to a 3D landscape. There are a number of different variables to consider when creating data represented in 3D as well as in a type of animation, such as a fly by tool. I worked through a number of exercises within ArcScene to learn these techniques. Additionally is the understanding of degrees and angles of a raster to visually see the 3D data, and how that angle best represents the true model. As I researched and learned these subjects, I taught a lecture to the cartography course on campus discussing the importance and differences of web cartography, print cartography, and 3D animation. Presentation can be accessed upon request.