Encompass Energy Services, LLC
GIS Field Technician (March 2018 - March 2019, 3/4 Time)
Work with Enterprise to map out structures within a 500' buffer of a pipeline network throughout Louisiana to assess high consequence areas.
Field data collection for two weeks in rural Louisiana using Collector and Trimble devices to update, create, and attribute structure information with vacancy and total occupancy information.
Delivered a web map and a QA/QC'd file geodatabase with required feature classes adhering to federal regulations.
Worked in direct contact with client to make sure job was successful and completed with high precision.
Work with Noble to create data driven pages and alignment sheets through Lightning in ArcGIS Pro.
Review, update, and construct alignment sheets for existing and planned pipeline installations showing elevation profiles, location of key pipeline attributes, stationing, PI bends, fences, landowner changes, and more.
Create monumnet records based on field surveys to update county records of monument locations, conditions, or new monuments by a public land surveyor. Drafted sketches to show tie-in points, fences, roads, and other useful information for monument identification.
Gather data from AutoCAD Civil 3D and covert the data and attributes into usable GIS data.
Attach and edit object information for pipelines, parcels, or other key features within a Civil 3D drawing used for deliverable.
Create weekly reports for client on land owner approvals for pipeline construction to determine length of pipeline signed off or pending based on the contract with landowners.
Create a weekly deliverable geodatabase for Conoco pipeline network installation in Greeley with updated center lines, permanent easements, temporary work spaces, additional temporary work spaces.
Created a python script to automate gathering of data from AutoCAD, adding updated attribute information, and transform the data into a single file geodatabase to deliver.
File 8-1-1 calls to figure out currently existing pipelines that are around a new pipeline installation we are contracted to complete.
Talk with field workers to determine the proposed center line with their own pipeline networks to determine overlaps and if flagging or other precautions are necessary for construction.